I Should be a professional band name namer.
Through the history of man we have found the need to name things. One day along time ago a man saw an ant and named it so, another man saw a piece of quartz and likewise named it so. I have always wanted to be the guy that names stuff. I have found that i have a great skill for naming things and I think that I will use my skills for naming bands.
Here is a list of band names you are free to use.
Here is a list of band names you are free to use.

- Elemental Frontier
- Devotion to a Flower
- No Coincidences
- Handicap 33
- Truckbed Ashtray
- The Elm St. Rowdy Boys
- Pumpkinhead
- The Argument Alliance
- The Contention League
- The Battle Bunch
- Round Circle
- Number 19
- Bearhead
- Bearface
- Adventures of an Amature Ninja
- Peculiar Recountings
- The Definition of Awesome
- The Pack and Play Experiment
- Kingwell
- Subdivided
- Phase One
- Father of One
- Office Politics
- Leansville
- Posting Daily
- Buy One Get One
- Acoustically Electric
- The Mancurians
- Banana Pancake
- Flavor Tabs
Any likeness or downright exactness to any band names is purely coincidental even thought there are no coincidences so lets just say it was an accident.
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