Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Child Support.

Let me start out be saying that I am all for child support.
I was reading an article the other day in which a man received a letter stating that he was being subpoenaed for a paternity test and my have to pay child support. This was the first the man had ever heard of this child. He had a one night stand with the woman in question 18 years ago. This is correct, this man had an 18 year old son that he knew nothing about.
I firmly believe a man should pay child support but I also think that he should start paying at birth or no later than age 7. This man missed out on any chance to be a father to this boy.


Anonymous said...

You think that's bad - you should hear more horror stories about our Family Kourt ("K" intentional) system and how it throws consitutional rights out the door with regards to non-custodial parents. All you ever hear is how these monsters (aka, "deadbeats") have abandoned their children by not paying. If it weren't such a travesty of justice, it'd almost be comical. Judges ordering men to pay obscene payments and then label them when they cannot pay for whatever reason.

Here's just one example ...

Let's say you are married and have a child. Do you set aside a set amount each month for the child's expenses? Doubtful. Now, imagine a judge saying you not only HAVE to set aside a set amount each month, but it's also 20-25% of your gross income. Now, suppose you lost your job and are unable to meet the high demand set? In a traditional family, you'd cut corners and make ends meet by reducing costs for yourself and your child. Not so when the Kourts intervene. If your a non-custodial parent and lose your job - tough crapola. You still better pay what would have amounted to 20-25% of your gross pay to care for the child or go to prison (and be labeled a "deadbeat").

Now, I'm not saying there aren't people who purposely avoid paying child support, but why must a group suffer because of a few bad apples. And why must one person's rights be trampled on while others aren't.

In this particular case, you mention paternity. How would you like to not only find out that you are the father of a child you never knew existed for the last 5, 10, 15, or whatever years AND be told that you not only have to start paying child support BUT ALSO you MUST pay for those years you didn't pay before. It's called arrearages.

And those are just a couple of the mockeries the Family Kourt system doles out each and every day. Believe me, there are plenty more.

Anonymous said...

One other thing regarding this case. What penalties are imposed on the woman for hiding (knowingly or not) the fact the man had a child, now that the cat is out of the proverbial bag?

Answer: Nada, Zip, Ailch, Nothing