Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Pop Culture Personality Test

I heard this quiz on Used Wigs Radio. Here are my answers.

1. My American Idol audition song would be:
Sinead O'Connor: "Nothing Compares to you"

2. If my life were a drinking game, everyone would do a shot when ....
I inconspicuously smell my armpits.

3. The Rat Packer I most identify with is: a) Frank Sinatra b) Sammy Davis Jr.
c) Dean Martin d) Peter Lawford

Sammy, because I would be a great black guy.

4. The first famous person I befriended:
Does not apply, but I would like to be friends with Gary Busey.

5a. Choose one: A) Demi Moore in Ghost B) Demi Moore in Striptease:
Striptease, because Patrick Swayze was not in it.

5b Choose one: A) Transformers B) G.I. Joe
Transformers, hands down. I wanted to be just like Optimus Prime when I grew up. Life can be disappointing sometimes.

6. What was your first concert?
Nine Inch Nails and Marylin Manson (Thanks Dena)

7. Pick a Jessica: A) Alba B) Simpson C) Biel D) Tandy
I pick Biel because she is a bad ass.

8. If I had to gain 30 pounds for a role, I would eat:
I think I'm all set for that part.

9. The first R-rated movie I saw:
I have no idea. National Lampoons European Vacation
was the first PG-13 movie I saw.

10. My porn name (childhood pet name + mothers maiden name) is:
Buster Long

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