Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Duct Tape Smuck Tape...

Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Duct Tape. We were married for nearly three years and have remained close friends. I like her new husband and we work in the same field. So we see each other regularly. Sorry I'm rambling.
Duct Tape has many, many uses and has tons of websites devoted to it. It's the cats meow, no doubt.
Zip ties or cable ties as they are also known are themselves pretty bad ass and have many. many uses as well. It got me thinking, Why does Duct Tape get all the love.
Well let me tell you.
In 1948 the cable tie was invented by Lucas "Zippy" Tiesdale. Duct Tape had already been used for years in the military and by avid outdoors men, it was also occasionally used for HVAC instillation. Due to its government "ties" due to its military use the Duct Tape industry had alot of government protection. Mr. Tiesdale's invention was given a patent but he was only allowed to produce a small amount of zip ties a year. People loved the new "jack of all trades" zip tie but because of its low production volume the prices had to rise to maintain a profit. Eventually people stopped using zip ties and when with the more readily available and cheaper Duct Tape. In 1968 with Mr. Lucas' invention of the Zip Lock Bag and in 1982 the zip disk he had enough money to start production on the zip tie again. With Lobbyists in place in Washington DC he was able to lift the government limit of zip tie production, and was able to store the world with "The Amazing Zip Tie", it original slogan.
The rest is history................

Almost everything written here is a lie.

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